The Next Hike

Check here every week for details on the next Trekker hike!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Next Hike

The next hike will be on Saturday, 31st August.
We meet at the Ballpark in Gillies Bay at 10:00am

Last week we drove south towards Davie Bay, turned off at Eagle Creek and parked at the start of the steep hill about half way up to Thompson Road.  The hike up to Mystery Lake is fairly long from this starting point, but it was comfortable cooler weather for hiking.  Lunch was at the rocky outcrop at the north end and it was interesting to see a few stickleback in the shallow water as wel as the tiny white shells of freshwater Fingernail or Toenail Clams.  

My photo this time is from a hike we did earlier in the month near Pocahontas Bay.  This old piece of logging equipment was at the side of a new logging road so it may have only been found recently when the area was relogged.  When it was in use it would have been standing vertically with the upper part filled with water and a wood fire burning in the lower part which at the open end in my photo.  The small oval opening in the side was where the firewood was added to the fire and the hinge and latch are still in place on each side. I think the door is sitting on top of the boiler The pipes were there to increase the area where the heat from the fire was transferred to the water in the pressurised part of the boiler.  You can read about these engines at this web site.
It has a photo of a complete engine at a UBC museum in the Lower Mainland. 

An old vertical steam boiler for a donkey engine that would have been used in the logging industry. 

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